Friday, April 14, 2006

Blue Jays vs Sox

The Toronto Blue Jays were in town, and I was back out at the Cell to cover the first couple games of the series. The weather was beautiful for both Friday and Saturday's games, and I was able to go out and shoot in t-shirt and shorts for the first time this year. Everything was pretty much same old, until the top of the 9th on Saturday.

Here's the situation. It was the bottom of the 9th, one out, runner on first. The Toronto catcher, Bengie Molina, hits a high chopper over the mound. So what do you do as a photographer in this situation? Well, you know that the White Sox closer Bobby Jenks is an excitable guy, and likes to pump his fists and go nuts after a win, so anticipating the game-ending double play, you focus in on him. Another thing you could do in this situation is to focus on second base and wait for the DP turn there. So what happened? Neither. Because it was a really high, slow chopper, the second baseman Tadahito Iguchi ended up charging in to make the play. He dove for the ball, barehanded it, and threw to first for the out all in one motion. The crowd goes wild, but none of us photographers really knew why until we saw the replay on the jumbotron because most of us were all looking through our cameras at the wrong places.

Only one photographer (out of probably I think 8 or 9 of us) in the first base well, David Durochik, got the shot of Iguchi throwing to first. It was awesome. And we are all very jealous. "Durochik, you bastard!" Anyways, picture this shot (by the AP) from the first base side, and not backlit, and perfectly framed, and you have Durochik's shot. Assuming that it's in sharp (you can't really tell on the camera screens since the resolution is so poor), it would not surprise me to see it in the next Sports Illustrated "Leading Off" or ESPN "Zoom."

Looking back, I'm really kicking myself at not following Iguchi in on that ball. What annoys me was I was in the right place at the right time, but didn't get the frame. A frame like that only comes around a few times a year. But in reality, that was a difficult play to decide what to shoot in such a short period of time. As a sports photographer, you have an idea of what you want to shoot depending on what situation. In this situation, a typical first reaction the moment the ball hits the ground is "game-ending DP." Almost all of us looked immediately towards Jenks or second, anticipating what in most situations would have been "the shot." I'll tell you what, even the Japanese photographer, who's job is to basically follow Iguchi and shoot his every move, didn't even get the shot. We were all joking around afterwards in the editing room that he'll probably get fired for that ;-)

Anyways, enough rambling, here's some shots from the weekend series against the Blue Jays:


Blogger Chris Humphreys said...

Ha! Great story!

Awesome shots as always!

9:21 AM  

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